Brainstormed Suggestions for AdjunctChat

Last week’s AdjunctChat was the first one on the new Tuesdays 4:00-4:30pm EDT 30-minute, weekly format, and it was one of the more engaging ones we have had in some time. Part of what made it so interesting was the affirmation of how this can be a valuable forum, along with a number of suggestions for next steps.

Thanks to Virginia Yonkers (@Comprof1) for gathering this list of suggestions for helping AdjunctChat to be an even more useful experiences. I added a couple others extracted from the transcript as well:

    1. weekly is better and more predictable
    2. balance between practice and issues
    3. possible research partners
    4. perhaps research on adjuncts (perhaps the Chronicle is working on this? Delphi Project, NFM Foundation, etc. doing #adjunct research)
    5. guest speakers/spec topics with resources
    6. consolidate platforms (chat transcript (very important for those who can’t make it live), AutoTweet link thruout the week, blog, perhaps Twitter account just for #adjunctchat)
    7. maybe next post with a brief lead-in/explanation for context
    8. takes time to grow community
    9. next week, invite/bring a friend to the chat

With this said, onward and upward, starting with the *NEW* AdjunctChat Twitter account!

1 thought on “Brainstormed Suggestions for AdjunctChat

  1. Pingback: @4KM @Comprof1 I summarized our #AdjunctChat sugge… « Silence and Voice

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